The Daily Journal from Vineland, New Jersey (2024)

6B SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 2023 THE DAILY JOURNAL Super Bowl lyrics coming to Grammy Museum two worn during a Su- per Bowl halftime performance, her hand- written lyrics and her heavily crystallized electric guitar are among the items that will be on display for a museum exhibit in Los Angeles. The Grammy Museum announced Thursday that the multi-Grammy winner will have her exhibit opening on March 4. The exhibit called Sha- kira: The Grammy Museum will feature 40 artifacts from her personal archive in the permanent Latin music gallery. The museum exhibit will explore Shaki- musical evolution, from her origin as a Latin performer in Colombia to reaching global superstardom as a performer who spans several genres including bachata, rock, Bhangra and an honor to have the journey of my career displayed at the Grammy Shakira said in a statement. pieces are a testament to so many indelible mo- ments that I cherish, and so happy to be able to relive these memories with those who have and continue to support me as an electric guitar covered in 70,000 black crystals and acoustic gui- tar used for songwriting will be displayed.

Other items include her from her El Dorado tour in 2018 and the leaf-covered bikini she wore on the Fixation, Vol. album in 2005. Actress Green, producers battle in UK court over collapsed A lawyer for Eva Green alleged Thurs- day that producers of a collapsed tried to damage the French reputation by depicting her as a The performer, who played Vesper Lynd in James Bond thriller is suing producers for a $1 million fee she says she is owed for Green, 42, was lined up to star in the sci- thriller alongside Charles Dance and Hel- en Hunt, and was also an executive pro- ducer on the project, which collapsed in late 2019. Production company White Lantern Film is the claim and is countersu- ing, saying Green made de- and undermined the production. Hearings in the case opened Thursday at the High Court in London.

Lawyers for the production company argue in written submissions that Green had expressed lack of and regarding some of the pro- duction team and had grown increasingly reluctant to be involved in the project. Report: Renner was run over while helping nephew More details on the snowplow accident that landed Jeremy Renner in the hospital have been released by the Nevada that oversaw the rescue. Renner blunt chest trauma and orthopedic injuries in a snowplow accident in Reno, Nevada, earlier this month after attempting to help his nephew with a car issue, according to an incident report by the Washoe County last week. nephew Alexander Fries told authorities that his pickup truck had got- ten stuck on the driveway multiple times, the report said, and he and Renner tried to free the vehicle using a PistenBully snow- cat. A chain was attached to the back of the snowcat and the front of truck.

Once truck was successfully re- moved from the driveway and parked in the middle of the street, the chain was un- hooked from the snowcat and placed in the bed of the truck. Renner then proceeded to turn the snowcat around, after which he stepped out of the vehicle to speak to Fries. Fries then saw the snowcat traveling towards him with nobody inside driving the nephew quickly hopped into his truck in an attempt to remove his vehicle from the path of the snowcat, while Renner jumped on the tracks in order to get inside the cab. However, the actor got caught on the tracks and was run over by the vehicle, which ended up crashing into the front side of truck. PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Shakira Aries (March 21-April 19).

The moon and Venus align in the sky today to bring hidden tensions to the surface for you. Taurus (April 20-May 20). Inspiration can be found in unexpected places today. Gemini (May 21-June 21). Open your heart! Today is incredibly beneficial for those seeking con- nection.

Cancer (June 22-July 22). Today brings a favor- able energy to your do- mestic life and part- nerships. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22). Your social life is the topic of conversation today.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). feeling tender- hearted today, as the moon and Venus align- ment makes it easier for you to express your af- fections. Libra (Sept.23-Oct.

23). You may find yourself butting heads with someone else today. Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).

How sweet! The moon and Venus harmo- HOROSCOPE SANCTUARY For more: nize in the sky today to help bring out your sen- sitive, artistic side. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Expect some enjoy- able encounters and refreshing new experi- ences today.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). find it easy to attract new people and opportunities today. Aquarius (Jan.

20-Feb. 18). Time to clean house! Create space for an in- coming change or oppor- tunity. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20).

Use your charms to your advantage today. Boost your desirability and allure. (Answers Monday) Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon. THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek Unscramble these Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.

Tribune Content Agency, LLC All Rights Reserved. th re a llo it te la le TYPET GRIRO WLLUAF GHNIKT ENVOY SPELL OUTAGE UNMASK Jumbles: Answer: They were selling lots of encyclopedias and expand- ing their business, which SPOKE VOLUMES Insert numbers 1-9 in each box with every row, column and 3x3 box containing the digits just once. Difficulty level ranges from Bronze (easiest) to Silver to Gold (hardest) RATING: GOLD ANSWER SUDOKU CREATORS columns focus on improving basic technique and devel- oping logical thinking. The cheetahs made it into the ark, but so did the snails. Take your time as declarer.

Form a plan before you play. Hasty play has scuttled many easy con- tracts. auction was hit-or-miss: 4NT Blackwood bid was an er- ror since North could have held a hand such as QJ2, Q874, KJ8, A105. Against six hearts, West led the deuce of spades, and the play ended early when South nessed with queen. East took the king and cashed his ace of clubs.

Two spades Apparently, declarer never met a nesse he like. Even assuming that West had the king of spades, South needed to pick up the trump suit to make his slam. But if he could draw trumps, he could then run the diamonds to pitch two spades from dummy, losing only a club to the ace. play of the queen of spades was a that gain even it won. He must take the ace and in trumps.

Daily question You hold: 9 8 A 10 A 10 9 2 J. Only your side is vulnerable. The dealer, at your right, opens three clubs. What do you say? Answer: This problem is awkward and would divide an expert panel. If you double and partner responds three spades, you strand him there, but if you continue with four diamonds, he may think you have a better hand.

Bid three diamonds though you would make that call with less strength. South dealer N-S vulnerable BRIDGE FRANK STEWART Simple Saturday wait for your answers? Find all the puzzle answers at Daily Bridge Club Saturday, January 28, 2023 columns focus on improving basic technique and developing logical thinking. The cheetahs made it into the Ark, but so id the snails. Take your time as declarer. Form a plan before you play.

Hasty play has scuttled many easy contracts. auction was hit-or-miss: 4NT Blackwood bid was an error since North could have held a hand such as 2, 8 7 4, 8, A 10 5. Against six hearts, West led the deuce of spades, and the play ended early when South finessed with queen. East took the king and cashed his ace of clubs. TWO SPADES Apparently, declarer never met a finesse he like.

Even assuming that West had the king of spades, South needed to pick up the trump suit to make his slam. But if he could draw trumps, he could then run the diamonds to pitch two spades from dummy, losing only a club to the ace. play of the queen of spades was a that gain even it won. He must take the ace and finesse in trumps. DAILY QUESTION You hold: 9 8 A 10 A 10 9 2 J.

Only your side is vulnerable. The dealer, at your right, opens three clubs. What do you say? ANSWER: This problem is awkward and would divide an expert panel. If you double and partner responds thre spades, you ca strand there, but if you continue with four diamonds, he may think you have a better hand. Bid three diamonds though you would make that call with less strength.

South dealer N-S vulnerable NORTH A 7 9 8 7 4 8 10 4 WEST EAST 10 6 5 2 4 3 5 2 6 3 7 5 4 6 3 9 7 6 3 A 8 5 2 SOUTH 9 8 A 10 A 10 9 2 South West North East 1 Pass 2 NT Pass 3 Pass 4 Pass 4 NT Pass 5 Pass 6 All Pass Opening lead 2 Tribune Content Agency, LLC mp Saturday By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency We put special brain-busting words into the grid of letters. Can you find them? By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek Boggle BrainBusters Bonus INSTRUCTIONS: Find as many words as you can by linking letters up, down, side-to-side and diagonally, writing words on a blank sheet of paper. You may only use each letter box once within a single word. Play with a friend and compare word finds, crossing out common words.

MA I OW 1-23-23 BOGGLE is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc. 2023 Hasbro, Inc. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. All Rights Reserved. YOUR BOGGLE RATING BOGGLE POINT SCALE 3 letters 1 point 4 letters 2 points 5 letters 3 points 6 letters 4 points 7 letters 6 points 8 letters 10 points letters 15 points hamp 101- 150 xpert 61 -1 00 ro 31 60 Gamer 21 30 Rookie 11 20 A mateur 0 10 ry a gain Find AT LEAST FIVE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS in the grid of letters.

Answers to Friday's Boggle BrainBusters: MINK MULE MOLE MOUSE MOOSE INSTRUCTIONS: Find as many words as you can by linking letters up, down, side-to-side and diagonally, writing words on a blank sheet of paper. Yo may only use each letter box once within a single word. Play with a friend and compare word crossing out common words. BOGGLE BRAINBUSTERS Dear Abby: I have known since second grade. We have stayed in touch through the years, although more sporad- ically in the last two decades.

Until 10 years ago, she would spend a week with us in the summer. She came three ent times, and we had fun. We also vis- ited her twice in California. I was married, but without kids then. Shortly after our child was born, she started dating and then living with her boyfriend.

happy that happy with him. Soon after they began dating, Gigi asked about coming to visit, and I agreed, but said they would need to sleep in sep- arate rooms at my house. She said yes. However, the plans work out (his schedule, she said) and they come. That was years ago.

We were recently on the phone, and she asked about coming out. I told her I was glad to meet her boyfriend at last, and we set a date. Neither of us men- tioned the sleeping arrangements, but I feel maybe I need to clarify again. I do not judge her, but I have made a decision that in my home I should never have to feel uncomfortable. Their sharing the same room would make me uncomfortable.

During the conversation years ago, I told Gigi that if sleeping separate- ly made them uncomfortable, we could see each other during the day and they could arrange to stay in a hotel or anoth- er home. She mentioned her plans this time around, but right now it sounds like they intend to stay here. What should I do? House Rules in Utah Dear Rules: Because Gigi and her boyfriend sharing a bedroom in your house would still make you uncomfort- able, call her and explain that although they are welcome, your feelings on the subject of sleeping arrangements changed. This is NOT a discus- sion you should have upon their arrival. Dear Abby: the best way to decline handshakes? In social settings, I often myself ready to dine, hands washed and sanitized, only for someone to thrust their hand toward me expect- ing a handshake.

The last thing I want before handling my food is to shake any- hand. In one instance, a man who was hosting the gathering with his wife returned belatedly from a bike ride as we were approaching the dinner table and me his sweaty hand. Refus- ing elicited a dirty look from my partner and an expression of bewilderment on the face of the bicyclist. Please advise. Keeping Clean in the West Dear Keeping Clean: If this is of any comfort, you are far from the only per- son who dislikes shaking hands.

Over the years, I have received letters from many others who share your concern. Some individuals avoid it by placing their palms together, leaning forward a bit, smiling and saying something like, to see or, in your case, how was that bike If you do this already, keep a small bottle of hand sanitizer on your person to use when out of options. Contact Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. DEAR ABBY ABIGAIL VAN BUREN Friend worries house rules might planned visit CELEBRITY CIPHER LUIS CAMPOS.

The Daily Journal from Vineland, New Jersey (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.