Iraqi Dinar | Latest Iraq dinar recaps & updates (2024)

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( Updated: )

Official Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) Dinar Rate


1310 IQD to 1 USD

Dinar Market Rate:

(CBI last reported for August-2021)

1475.14 IQD to 1 USD

- Rates Are Within IMF 2% Rule: NO

- Are Rates IMF 2% Rule Compliant for 90 Days: NO

(maintained market rate: Mar. 15, 2018 to 4-20-2020 | 12-20-2020 to 5-26-21 | 6-16-2021 to Unknown date)

(NOTE: rates were out of compliance for 3 days starting 11-5-2019 & 2 days starting 1-7-2020 and from 4-21 to 12-19-2020 |From 5-26-21 to 6-16-21)

NOTE: Stopped daily market rate reporting on 8-11-2021. Began monthly reporting

New Iraqi Dinar Exchange Rate Calculator >>

Dinar Guru "RV" Meters

( Updated: )

Dinar Gurus who feel Dinar will RV within days...


Dinar Gurus who feel the Dinar will NOT "Change" until certain "things" are accomplished...


Dinar Gurus who feel the

Dinar will FLOAT "slowly" upward instead of RV...


Dinar Gurus' Official Master List of Possible Major " To Do's ":

  1. Moved to IMF Article VIII
  2. HCL passed/imp. [Temp 11/2014] [agreed in spirit 12-2014]
  3. Erbil Agreement Impl.
  4. Election Law (DONE! 12/2013 | Amend Dec 2019)
  5. UNSC Chapter 7 (Done?? summer-2013/ Dec/2017 moved to ch VI?? June-2018 Resolution 1487:CBI released from Sanction list. Voted 2-22-2022 Resolution 2621. 8-12-2023 - Iraq appears out of Ch VII but U.S. has not release them)
  6. UNSC Chapter 6 (began 12/2017 ?)
  7. Article 140 impl. (Supreme Court Support 5/2018 - mustimpl.) (8/2019 Federal Court clarifies constitutional force)
  8. Economic/Banking laws passed (more needed)(12-2017)
  9. Investment laws (Voted! 10/2015 Printed 1/2016)
  10. Power Sharing (Done!! 10/2014)
  11. Internationally accepted Dinar
  12. GOI Seated (10/2014) [Done - Fully seated 6-6-2020]
  13. Tariff Law (partial)
  14. CBI & Market rate within 2%-90 days (start ~Mar. 15 2018? Nation wide start ~Nov. 2018)
  15. E.O 13303 (Done 12/2017 - Biden renewed May 2023)
  16. Law of Financial Administration/Financial Management Law (First vote May 2019) | Amend Dec. 2019
  17. CBI Auctions Stopped (partly Done - June 2020?)

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9-12-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man The IMF Article IV 2024 consultation, one of the most important things was for [Iraq] to accelerate accession to the WTO.

9-12-2024 Intel Guru Frank26
[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: We are seeing a commercial on TV. It's 5 or 6 minutes long showing our new cards we are going to be receiving in the mail very shortly they tell us. They're showing the citizens going to banks and ATMs getting money out. They are showing us how to do this...This informational stage we are in is like Mr. Sammy [Bank friend] said, it will last for the rest of the year. FRANK: The commercials are now starting because Alaq has returned...

9-12-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I am going to give you a summary...of the other issues that are...on the table. They are on the near horizon and my CBI contact has also told me these are issues that also must be resolved: Passing the Oil and Gas Law referendum, as required by their new 2005 Constitution.; Needed changes to The Investment Law No (13) of 2006 to meet the WTO requirements prior to full accession.; Institute the Pillars of Financial Reform in the Banking, Insurance and the Iraqi Stock Market. This goes hand in hand with the electronic banking effort...Iraq is going forward with the Project to Delete the Zeros and actually in the process of doing it not just talking about it again...we must stay grounded as this RV is coming to a closure and there is not much longer to wait.

9-12-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] expected window…(11th through the 15th).

Read last night's Dinar Guru updates below...

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9-11-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY:
Sudani's speech he was talking to us about how to enhance a currency. They're talking about stabilizing the currency.


Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram It is widely believed Iraq will need to increase the value of its currency in order to fully take advantage of the international transportation hub [Development Road Project] it is building.

9-11-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ

[via PDK] expected window opens today…(11th through the 15th).

9-11-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy They have to do something about that parallel market. The reason why it's so successful is because people prefer to get the US dollars if they can. If businesses and travelers want to get more bang for their buck, they don't have a problem with selling the US dollars for more Iraqi dinars, more than the official exchange rate. It puts Iraq in a pickle...Do they raise the rate of the Iraqi dinar or do they lower it?

9-11-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Fnu Lnu

[Response to Guru Pimpy's 9-10-2024 analysis below of Article "The parallel market will be overturned." PIMPY: When they say raise the dollar exchange rate, that's not good for us. That means the dollar is rising up against the dinar...] FNU LNU: The solution is so basic and simple it defies this hand wringing. Why is it such a mystery? The way you control the "parallel market" is to raise the damned official rate such that there is no profit margin to be had. I will maintain that this is a red herring and some sort of stall tactic.

9-11-2024 Newshound Guru Clare Article: "Iraq's financial revenues exceed 77 trillion dinars in 7 months of 2024" Quote: "The Ministry of Finance revealed on Tuesday that the size of Iraqi revenues in the federal budget during 7 months exceeded 77 trillion dinars, confirming that the oil contribution to the budget remains around 89%."


9-11-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man "...Understanding between the Iraq Federal Government and the Kurdistan Regional Government..." You have two entities coming together...They had a lot of turmoil in the past... Now they've come to an agreement...A huge delegation from Iraq has gone to the Kurdistan region - The highest executive authorities in Iraq, the Ministerial Council of Economics...Planning, Trade, Interior, Central Bank of Iraq,, oil department. The whole list was immense...with their counterparts from the Kurdistan region...working it out, which reeks of national reconciliation...If they get National Reconciliation I can see Iraq is going to go so far. It's phenomenal...Reconciliation is historic.

9-11-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 Alaq, he's back. He got back Friday...Where'd he go? Straight to Erbil...By the way, he's happy...He's got pep in his step...I'd be on cloud 9 right now too because of what they are about to give you [Iraqi citizens], the purchasing power. Your economic reform is going to explode in a nuclear fashion. Your country is poised to lead the world with its new monetary reform. The beauty is the whole world knows it. And the whole world wants it badly.

9-11-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...recently they have told us this electronic platform is going away at the end of 2024... corruption and money laundering is now all ending and has to end or we will not see any reinstatement. The instrument to do this is the Electronic Banking practices... Having the US Treasury inside of Iraq now helping with all these banking reforms is a VERY good thing not a negative issue. It is absolutely going to push the RV process for us...We might even say it is the LAST piece to put in place in the RV puzzle to clearly see the end to this RV saga.

9-11-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Question: Is your gut still screaming between the 11th and the 15th? MarkZ: Yes it is…. I know that chatter from Iraq has been fantastic.

Get caught up on past updates belowandif you are not a alert list yet now is a great time to do it...It's free and only takes a sec to join...If you invested in the dinar and spend time on the site you don't want to miss something very important because you're not on the list.Click here to get on the list now.


9-10-2024 Newshound Guru Samson "Parliamentary Finance Committee reveals its efforts to increase non-oil revenues and activate collection"

9-10-2024 Intel Guru Frank26

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: CBI is talking about a mechanism to terminate the electronic platforms. FRANK: That's right. They can't steal the money through that method anymore. This is fantastic...The American dollar and the dinar are now being protected from those that were stealing it, from Iran. Because that was the US Treasury's #1 requirement. We called it security and stability and so did Dr. Shabibi...

9-10-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Fnu Lnu ...A first year business major could tell you the government has NO business trying to control the black market. You eliminate it! How you might ask? By simply raising the value of the currency to be equal to or greater than the black market spread. You take away the profit-motive and criminals will go somewhere else to make money.

9-10-2024 Newshound Guru Clare Article: "Central Bank of Iraq announces comprehensive banking reform map" Quote: "After the Central Bank delegation returned from the last round of negotiations with the US Treasury and the US Federal Reserve, it revealed the roadmap for radical and comprehensive banking reform...The Central Bank's plan until the end of the year will reach 100%, with foreign transfers between Iraqi banks and correspondent banks, without going through the US Federal Reserve



9-10-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Think about this. It will hurt the value of the dinar temporarily but allows them to buy it at a discount through major auctions. Suck trillions more dinar off the streets…What a great prep going into a re-valuation. It will help them justify a higher value. This may be major for us. This is my theory and I think it makes sense. Comment: Sounds like bad news to me…like they won’t RV for weeks now. MarkZ: If auctions are immediate - they could be ready in a day or two. I believe they will move forward quickly on this... Remember Sudani said just last week that they plan to revalue this year during his administration….I think the timing is great and they are setting the stage. [Post 2 of 2]

9-10-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] ...article from Baghdad today: “It will turn the parallel market upside down-Sources: Expected decisions from the Central Bank will confuse markets and raise exchange rates When they say raise exchange rates…they are talking “in the wrong direction”... So if one US dollar now equals 1310 dinar…it will go to one US dollar equals 1500 dinar or so. So what they are going to do is have an auction on US dollars. They are planning on injecting more US dollars into the markets and buy dinar off of the streets. “To help support the exchange rate” is the claim. And to help clean up the sanctions and money laundering…. [Post 1 of 2..tuned]

9-10-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: "The parallel market will be overturned. Sources: Upcoming decisions from he central bank that will confuse the markets and raise exchange rate


" It's interesting they don't say which exchange rate... Quote: "He stated the decisions are likely to raise the dollar exchange rate in the parallel market..." When they say raise the dollar exchange rate, that's not good for us. That means the dollar is rising up against the dinar...On the black market people are getting 1505 dinars for every $1.00... which is much higher than the 1320 for every dollar, the official exchange rate...It's getting out of whack again. As it gets harder and harder to get the US dollar, you're going to see the black market really start to increase. I'm curious to see what kind of decisions the central bank is going to make...

9-10-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article: "The Parallel Market will be upended" Quote: "Expected decision from the central bank will confuse markets and raise exchange rates...These decisions will lead to an increase in the dollar exchange rate" When you're talking about the parallel market you're talking about a black illegal market, that's subverting the platforms to get the dollar. That's coming to an end...They're saying, parallel're going to have a problem. If you don't fix it you're going to get hurt [If you're holding dollars and not dinar]. They're giving them [Iraqi citizens using the black markets] numerous warnings [to get out of the dollar].

9-10-2024 Newshound Guru Samson Article: "Five Oil and Gas Laws in Parliament"

9-10-2024 Intel Guru Frank26

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY:
A big delegation including Alaq...He went to Erbil for the economic meeting. There was a closed meeting after the main meeting. We expect it was mainly about the oil and gas HCL they have been talking to us about. FRANK: This is all monetary reform education.

9-10-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ

[via PDK] Another big one over the weekend is...folks are commenting from Iraq that they now have control over their own oil revenues. If this is a fact it means that bills have been paid and we are about to see the official announcement that Iraq is out of chapter 7. This is huge. We know they met all the requirements some time ago. But it now appears they now have full control of their oil revenues. This is a huge piece…. We just need an official announcement…before we can set up the band and have a party.

9-5-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy No, there is no 'in-country' 'out-country'. It's the same everywhere.

9-5-2024 Newshound Guru Samson Article: ”Government Advisor: The talks between the Central Bank of Iraq and the US Federal Reserve achieved advanced results"

9-5-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article: "The Central Bank of Iraq reveals the mechanism for ending the electronic platform" Quote: "During the year 2024 and until now, 95% of the transfer process from the electronic platform to the correspondent banking mechanism directly between it and Iraqi banks has been achieved, which means that only about 5% of it remains...which will be transferred...before the end of this year..." We should all be very clear about what is transpiring before our eyes with Iraq's reforms...We are seeing the end results with a mere 5% left to complete...So they already achieved what they were working on in the past. They are ready for completion to the best of my understanding now. Not later. Wow!

9-5-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: "Two conditions to achieve it .. Al-Sudani's advisor rules out removing 3 zeros from the currency" This is what's happening right now. This is called diversion tactics...slight of hand. This was done with China and it was done with Kuwait...This is part of the monetary reform. To put out disinformation that is a deterrent, maybe, that is putting
speculators at bay.

9-5-2024 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram [I'm] more concerned than ever that Iraq will take action to reduce the circulation of the Iraqi dinar to a manageable size which will automatically help increase the currency's value. The question then becomes will outside investors be included in the exchange? Update your passports for travel to Jordan, Turkey or Egypt where Iraq now has banks...

9-5-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] A lot of good news out there…over the top good news…Lots of chatter looking at tomorrow…but, we don’t know when it’s going…if half the rumors are right about it has started...we are in great shape... I am still hearing from lots of sources that things are well underway and we should soon be seeing dollars. But I cannot pin anyone down that they have physical dollars. I’m hearing it...The problem is I have not been able to verify them. Community Comment: if they’re under NDA’s, you’ll never get verification-imo. MarkZ: And that is a possibility. But for me I’m going to back up a little, stay clam and find out what is real or not.

9-5-2024 Newshound Guru Clare Article: "Government Advisor: The talks between the Central Bank of Iraq and the US Federal Reserve achieved advanced results" Quote: "Salih, confirmed...the renewed understanding with the US Federal Reserve will allow the monetary authority to restore an internal banking market, while he indicated that the results of the discussions between the Central Bank and the Federal Reserve are good and consistent with the rules of work, and he pointed out that they will allow for the implementation of a precise path between Iraqi and international banks"

9-5-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy A few days ago an article come out, "Two conditions for achieving it. Sudanese adviser rules out removing 3 zeros from the coin" My fingers were crossed and I was hoping they would not remove the zeros...That's step one, don't remove the zeros. Now, do we want the exchange rate to change? Yeah. Now is the time while the zeros are still on there. I'm not saying that's going to happen but what I'm saying is if it was ever going to happen the way we wanted it to, now is the time.

9-5-2024 Newshound Guru Samson

Article: "The Central Bank of Iraq reveals the mechanism for ending the electronic platform"

9-5-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article quote: "All the currencies Iraq will be doing business with are now in compliance with the international standards and traded on the Forex..." With respect to that, I think it's time for everybody to sit back, relax, watch it as it happens...We're all excited. Maintain some groundedness because I believe there's no stopping this at this stage of the game. They have so much they're telling us...It's truly amazing...

9-5-2024 Intel Guru Bruce

[via WiserNow] ...I think everything is pointing toward this going still this week...

9-5-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat

...One of the loose ends is the much-needed amendments to the Iraq Investment Law. They told us in an article that the WTO requested some changes to the law. In this same article, they told that this was the ONLY issue holding Iraq back from full accession... So, what pops out in the recent news. The article is titled “PARLIAMENTARY ECONOMY COMMITTEE DISCUSSES AMENDING THE “INVESTMENT LAW”. The Iraqi legislative arena is currently witnessing intensive discussions about the fourth amendment to Investment Law No. 13 of 2006, as amended, in light of the significant expansion of investment activity in the country in recent years. So we may see this law very soon. Then the WTO.

9-5-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am getting many reports...that payments have started. Reports that payments are rolling out to groups...

But I am staying calm because I have not been able to prove it yet.

But I am looking for proof that this is accurate. I am hearing this from many different sources…. IF this is accurate…in the next day or two-you and I should find out when we can go in and exchange our currency - IF THIS IS ACCURATE. ...I am getting blown up with contacts saying they have let things go...I have heard this from a number of sources... STAY CALM….I am really trying to stay calm as well.

Iraqi Dinar | Latest Iraq dinar recaps & updates (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

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Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.